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Shri Muhurta (Electional Astrology)

Astrological Considerations for Shri Muhurta

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Astrological Considerations for Shri Muhurta

Shri Muhurta has taken into account a huge number of factors which are checked to find a Muhurta. Some of them are:

General Considerations

Tithi-Day-Nakshatra combination yogas like Sarvaarth Sidhhi Yoga
Strength and auspiciousness of Lagna
Strength and auspiciousness of Lagna Lord
Strength and auspiciousness of Significator houses
Strength and auspiciousness of Significator house lords
Strength and auspiciousness of Significator planets
The 21 blemishes (Maha doshas)
The neutralization of the blemishes
Special blemish removal yogas
Special planetary positions and combinations as specified to be auspicious and inauspicious for the important Muhurtas like Marriage, Journeys etc.

Special Hindu Considerations

Adhik Maas
Kshaya Maas
Adhik Tithi
Kshaya Tithi
Shraadh Paksha
Mal Maas
Dev Shayan Period
InAuspicious Tithis
Lagna Nature (Char, Sthira & Dwi-Swabhav Lagnas)
Navamsha Nature (Char, Sthira & Dwi-Swabhav Navamashas)
Inauspicious placement of Sun & Moon from Birth Rashi
Jupiter & Venus combustion (Asta Graha)
Daghdha Nakshatra
Shunya Tithis
Shunya Nakshatras
Shunya Lagnas
Dagdha Lagna
Shunya Rashi
Inauspicious Tithi, Nakshatra & Vaar Combinations
Inauspicious Tithis
Panchaka Period
Bhadra Period (Swarg Lok Bhadra, Paatal Lok Bhadra, Mrityu Lok Bhadra)
Rahu Kaal
Aboojh Marriage Muhurtas

Special Marriage Considerations (The Ten Rekhas)

Latta Dosha
Patta Dosha
Pancha Shalaka
Kranti Samya
Dagdha Tithi

Special Journey Considerations
Vaar Shoola
Chandra Nivasa
Yogini Nivasa
Sam Shukra

But in spite of all these considerations, it remains to some degree a matter of personal opinion whether a particular Muhurta is considered auspicious or not by a particular Astrologer. Shri Muhurta helps you to find the best time and date by finding an optimum amongst those factors, but it cannot guarantee that there is no better option to match a particular astrologer's knowledge.

Another point to realize is that the Muhurtas are designed to support the general significance of the particular activity. A particular individual may have a different perspective on that event, and must take the responsibility of judging whether that Muhurta really applies on his case. Especially the auspiciousness of the unique configuration in the chart is very subjective. Shri Muhurta makes a judgment by using standard rules for affliction and beneficial support, but does not analyze the chart to match the intentions of the activity.

For example in a Muhurta done for marriage, the lord of the 1st house may be in the 3rd. This is generally not a bad place, but someone may object to the individualistic nature of the 3rd house, and prefer a house placement that is more family oriented. If marriage is for the purpose of getting rich, the 2nd or 11th house may be highly preferred. The software allows the user to easily compare alternative options, and select the one that suits him best. It is in this process that the user ultimately chooses his destiny.

Demo Products A demo for Shri Muhurta is available Press here to order.

Shipping Information: Please note that because of variable shipping charges in the U.S., the shipping prices shown at checkout are best guess estimates. Your shipping charge may be more or less than what is actually shown. Shipping costs are more difficult to estimate outside of the United States.

System Requirements for Windows:

CPU : Pentium processor P2 or higher
Hard Disk : 350 Megabytes of free hard disk space
CD Drive : ACDdrive to load Parashara.s Light in the computer
Monitor resolution : Color monitor with 16 bit color and 800 x 600
Operating System : Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP/7.

Shri Muhurta 1.3 for WINDOWS Price: $250 Plus Shipping/Handling  

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Shri Muhurta Demo for Windows Price: $15 Plus Shipping/Handling  

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For upgrades, please call me at 406-522-9560.

Please call me at 406-522-9560 for more information or email me at

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